Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wayback Machine: Comets on Fire - Bong Voyage [2004]

I think I've mentioned Comets on Fire before. Every time I listen to Blue Cathedral or Field Recordings From The Sun, I simultaneously have my mind blown and get in a little slump, the latter due to the band's unofficial permanent hiatus. Ben Chasny's still going strong with Six Organs of Admittance, Ethan Miller was doing the Howlin Rain jam for a bit, but I haven't followed it much, but when these Bay Area dudes got together, the joyful noise was too good, too perfect. I remember around 2006 reading about Bong Voyage, a compilation live album, and really wanting to hear it. I've never been much of a torrent user, and mediafire wasn't as easy to access, so it wasn't until earlier today that this album finally popped back up on my radar, and is currently bringing me into a nice, blissful comfort. It's bringing me back to their show I went to during a hurricane at the Black Cat in DC the day before I left for college in 2006. The most spiritual experience I've ever had at a musical performance; I went crazy. The echoplex, the dueling guitars, the thumping bass, it's exactly what psychedelic rock should be. Noisy. Long hairy & Beardy. Indecipherable lyrics. And the lo-fi quality of the recording doesn't take away from the grandeur. And we got a Ben Chasny Eastern-influenced acoustic jam in the middle of it. Snag it if this is what you're into.


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