Wednesday, February 23, 2011

TV on the Radio - "Will Do"

TV on the Radio just released a brand new song in the same breath that announced their new album, Nine Types of Light, will be coming out April 12th. I just listened to it, and I think it's pretty good. Not their catchiest or most electric, but it definitely still has that dense, heavy, solid, I almost want to say manly production that makes TV on the Radio's music such a visceral pleasure to hear. Their music is like a steak dinner washed down with a frosty pint or two of ale: it always leaves you feeling well-fed, slightly intoxicated, and with a little extra iron in your blood. I hope there's more where that came from.

TV on the Radio - Will Do by 1077 The End


  1. except for everything on the forgettable release "Dear Science". this song is solid, though. would like to hear more crazy vocals, maybe

  2. Forgettable?! "Halfway Home"? "DLZ"? Come on!

    I'm pretty sure we've already have this conversation but I'm game to have it again if you are.

  3. there is nothing funky about dear science, and compared to the previous two albums it was significantly worse. the day i hear anything equivalent to staring at the sun is the day that i re-acknowledge their greatness

  4. how can i hate funk if i own this album on vinyl:

  5. some of his best friends are funky!

  6. I disagree with you on Dear Science but I still get where you're coming from. TV on the Radio, as good as they are, are not quite as good as I want them to be—not quite as good as they need to be if they want to be what they're supposed to be. Which is to say: not good enough to be great. Their music always sounds amazing and often is, but the stakes are never quite high enough to excite me. They've got loads of talent but they aren't using it as well as they ought to. Maybe this next album will change all that. Hope springs eternal.

  7. all this talk of funky reminds me of

    this song is p good

  8. ...
