Friday, January 14, 2011

Young Circles

Just listened through the Bones EP by Young Circles. It is very, very, very good. They've put it up for free on their site, so long as you give them your e-mail address so they can send you e-mails asking for money to help them fund an LP in the future probably. It's worked for Miracles of Modern Science, Keepaway, why not Young Circles? Anywho, the music is not banal nor is it fangless. In fact, I'd say it's pretty ravaging at times, but is brought to the ground with a pop-structure of sorts? Genre-hopping, noisy, dubby, rocky, poppy, rappy at times even? Big shifts around the corner in each songs, but not quite prog. I don't know anything about the group, except I'll be keeping them on my radar.

1 comment:

  1. This is KILLER. At times I find it smells almost of Neutral Milk Hotel—same overdriven rawness.
