Monday, May 23, 2011

SRS TRAX: "Knuckle Down" - Man Man

Honus Honus's songwriting often is serious and emotional, which contrasts with the whimsical musical stylings of bandmates Pow Pow, Chang Wang, Turkey Moth, and Jefferson.

Man Man - Knuckle Down by antirecords


In all my excitement about taking a trip to the east coast this weekend, I forgot I am going to see MAN MAN tomorrow! MAN MAN FUCKING RULES. I haven't copped the new LP yet, just heard a couple tracks, and I hope the live show will be as zany as I hope/remember. Anyways, "Knuckle Down" is kind of like a "Banana Ghost" on steroids, with crunchy video game sounds complimented by xylophones, and Honus Honus's throaty exaltations about love, loss, and downward spirals complimented by silly backup vocals. Seriously this dude is always regretting his sexcapades, with lines like "What the hell can I do, when you whisper 'punish me'? Snapping like a tiger trap, I lost all my honey". Sounds like the theme song to a hairy circus brothel. (8.5)

Man Man is undoubtedly one of the best live bands in the world. This single kind of seems like a retread of their best work, but screaming, face-painted men running around firing cap guns at each other and playing bottles with spoons engender a lot of residual goodwill. (7)

PAT: I always suspected Crash Bandicoot and the Wumpa mask were in this band. Why don't you people understand this reference??? (7)

JESSE: All I want to be is a shovely-bubbly-gobbly-gook, and to be listening to anything from Six Demon Bag rather than this song. It's got all the elements, but comes across as lackluster. It would probably be much better if chicken feathers were being tossed around whilst spoons are being thrown into a metal bowl. (5.5)

1 comment:

  1. pat i was always more of a bubsy man, myself.
