Monday, May 9, 2011

SRS Trax: "Mindkilla" - Gang Gang Dance

Andy gets all Walt Whitman and shit on this one.

"Mindkilla" - Gang Gang Dance (video)

ANDY: This song compels motion. I will move how I feel, damn the consequences, and my dancing will likely present a danger to myself and others. Might be my favorite album of this half-over 2011. (9)

PAT: A misguided anthem for your misguided night out in the Lower East Side! (4)

RAJ: #1: Why does the production here sound so tinny and cheap compared to St. Dymphna? #2: Why does Lizzie Bougatsos get all "We Share Our Mother's Health" on a track that probably should have been conventionally sung? #3: Anything that reminds me of Bollywood disco can't be all bad, but it suffers by comparison to actual Bollywood disco. (Also, the lullaby interpolation is dumb.) (6)

Additional Scores:
JESSE: (8)


  1. Raj are you saying that the problem is that LZA's voice has effects on it? Have you ever listened to any of their pre-Saint Dymphna music? Or post-Saint Dyphmna singles? Or Saint Dymphna? Or are you just saying they should make songs that are easy to be plagiarized?

  2. I'm not saying they should bring in T-Pain, I'm saying that the vocals should fit the song - "House Jam" is a pretty straightforward synthpop song and the straightforward vocals work well with it, while something like "First Communion" is a big ol' freak-out and the vocals are appropriately spazzed-out. In this case, adding super-squeaky vocals to a song that's already kind of shrill strikes me as more annoying than distinctive or whatever.

  3. actually i take that back - i am totally saying they should have brought t-pain in.

  4. I feel like Mindkilla falls more in the category of First Communion than House Jam; it's basically a dance party rave jam. House Jam is much slower and more dependent on real instrumentation: the drums and guitar are easily recognized as what they are, so it fits that Lizzi's vocals go a bit more natural, right? Mindkilla is much less organic and more based on the synths and drum machines to begin with; making her vocals a bit more digital seems pretty appropriate.

    Just sayin'.

    A T-Pain collabo would be p bizarre

  5. though i do agree that the lullaby thing's kinda lame. but i like the song.
